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Writing Service: Examples


Click on whichever examples you want to see.


These examples do not include:

  • The comedy material I wrote for Eddie Izzard and others in my 20s, including sketches broadcast on TV.

  • The hundreds of miscellaneous articles I've written for various trade and company magazines over the years.

  • The talks, speeches and corporate training material I've been asked to write for myself or other people.

  • The huge amount of material I've written for the magic / mentalism world, including over 20o published articles, scores of reviews and about ten sets of lecture notes.

Examples Of My Work
Books For Myself

Books I've Written For Myself

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These sixteen titles are books that I sell (via Amazon and from my own websites) or provide free of charge to give my customers a bit of added value. I have written other books that are now out of print. The book at the lower right, that doesn't match the others, is 'The Moon Carrier'. This is my hardback book of romantic poetry and is, in my biased and unimportant opinion, by far the best thing I've ever written!


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Books For Others

My Work As A Ghost Writer

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Here are just eight of the books I've either written for other people or helped them to write. I have done more but I'm not allowed to mention the others.


I thoroughly enjoy being a ghost writer and I've loved working on all of these books plus the others I can't tell you about!


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Technical Writing

Technical And Business Writing

Here are just eight of the books I've either written for other people or helped them to write. I have done more but I'm not allowed to mention the others.


I thoroughly enjoy being a 'ghost' writer and I've loved working on all of these books plus the others I can't tell you about!


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Where would you like me to start?


When I started my career as a technical writer I produced management, procedural, training and promotional material for (among others): Fisons, Boots, Bostik, Raleigh, GEC Marconi, British Shoe Corporation, Exxon and Concawe (Petroleum conglomerate), British Sugar, Rank Hovis McDougal, Pedigree Petfoods, Savoy hotels, Lloyds British, C&A and Prudential.


At International Financial Strategies I produced daily, weekly and monthly news and investment reports mainly concerning currency trading.


At Synon, I wrote all the user documentation and help text for Synon/Financials software and then managed a Documentation Department producing all the company's printed and on-screen material.


As a freelance writer, I wrote technical documents, 'Invitation to Tender' submissions and user guides for Cambridge Technology Partners, the Woolwich Building Society, Hyperlink, ITS, Thames Water and others.


At Valtech, I wrote and designed a broad range of literature for internal management, planning and promotional purposes as well as all the user documentation required for collaborative projects with clients such as Vodafone, Prebon Yamane and  Scottish Rail.


Since I started working for myself, I've written and devised printed material, training guides and live presentations for various clients including: The FBI, Google, Coca-Cola, Marks & Spencer, The British Olympics Team, The Ministry of Defence, Hewlett-Packard, Capgemini, Kier Contruction, Iceland, The Crown Estate, Medtronic, London Business School, Unilever, World Bank, McKinsey & Company, Eurostar software testing, HP Testing, Rabobank, the STARR Summit, the Human Hacking Conference (Orlando) and Monash University (Melbourne).


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