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Free Magic Stuff From Ian Rowland


This is a page of completely free stuff for everyone in the magic community. Scroll down and help yourself to whatever you want. Just click on the item and then open/download it.


Please tell all your magician friends about this page:

There's only one item I sell. It's a close-up mentalism item called Think Link, costing £15, which has its own page here.


Although all this stuff is free, you can pay me something if you want. My Paypal account is: 

Or you could drop me a line. I like hearing from old magic friends and making new ones. Email:

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1. Words Are Nowhere.
 A new 'spirit writing' effect you can perform anywhere. I taught this effect at a 'hands on' session at The Magic Circle. 

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2. Tricks And Stuff.
 In 2023 I gave my fourth lecture at The Magic Circle. I started scribbling some lecture notes and they turned into this 116-page booklet. I think it contains some good stuff. 

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3. '50:50 Fantasia'.
How to win any 50:50 bet or proposition for the rest of your life. Totally impromptu, no props or gimmicks. I used to sell this but now I'm giving it away. 

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4. The CAT Test.
A fun telepathy idea for magicians and mentalists to play around with if you've ever learned a stack (or intend to).


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5. Two Essays.
 I think both of these short essays are worth a look. Then again, I would, wouldn't I?

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6. Notes On The Magic Square.
 Some thoughts on the construction and presentation of the 4 x 4 Magic Square.

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